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Nobody Told Me I am Black

Book in progress by Karen Loomis

The Synopsis

This is a story about finally crawling out from underneath the rock of innocence. I truly believed by being one of the most highly educated people in the room or being the best athlete on the court I could overcome my achilles heel. My weak link. The one I thought I had overcome by being an intelligent, well-spoken and respected professional in her field.
Instead I finally woke up and realized, I’m black, and nobody bothered to tell me that I’m black. Maybe I wasn’t told in words, but when I added up the data points in my life, the picture painted is much more vivid and clear than any marketing analytics I’ve perused over the last 20 years

The Ask…

Karen will be self-publishing this book which has some inherent cost associated with the process, such as editing, proofreading, and more editing, in addition to marketing and design. As a result, she is asking for donations for this ever important phase. It’s anticipated the editing costs alone will start at $5,000 and could be as high as $10,000. Your help will help get this book out into the market, sooner than later. 
For every donation over $100, you will receive an autographed copy of the book sent to you upon publishing. 
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