What I am Thankful for Today! #thanksgiving
This is so easy it shouldn’t even be called blogging. It’s kind of cheating. Jumping on the easy win…a holiday called Thanksgiving! Totally not my style, but here we go!
1. Let’s get it over with…the lame obvious statement of MY HEALTH. But in my case, I started 2014 with a bout of pneumonia/bronchitis, whatever. Seriously, the 3-4 step trip to the refrigerator required me to rest against the counter until I could breath again. It took about 10 days of this to have a new appreciation for all those folks who suffer from some sort of chronic pulmonary disease. Luckily, I did bounce back quickly (month or so), but it’s so easy to realize how much I take my health and fitness for granted.
2. I also started this year with the loss of one of my major corporate clients. Hello, air-just-sucked out of me reality check. I’m not going to deny I didn’t know this was coming, because I had been directly warned that this was going to happen. It was the when that was in question. Regardless, I received a temporary reprieve when less than 24 hours later a prospect I’d been courting for 18 months or so, with a proposal that was presented a full 12 months before finally materialized. Thank you universe for reminding me that “when one door closes another one opens”. It’s just so doubly lame I had to say that, but honestly it is true.
3. I’m also very thankful that this professional skillset I have spent the last 18 years developing is a million dollar business in the making. While I started this year in a typical up and down roller coaster ride of an entrepreneur is still doing exactly that, but there are a lot more ups than downs, and it’s been a very long journey. Thank you universe for still making it a fun journey!
4. In speaking of my branding and marketing business, No Moss Brands, I had hit a crossroads this summer. Do I keep pursuing this business that is threatening to bankrupt me? Or do I go back to the “corporate-world” kicking and screaming? Oh, I went kicking and screaming…but once I made up my mind I used that energy to rocket myself to an entirely new attitude about my business and it’s potential. I’m thankful for my tenacity and drive that has always been my saving grace!
5. The thing I am most thankful for is the eWOMEN NETWORK organization and it’s fabulous group of women who have been the catalyst in the entire revitalized attitude towards my small business. Everything good that has happened over the last six months is somehow connected to the eWomen Network. Yes, I’m thankful I finally found my tribe of support when I needed it most!
6. I’m also very thankful that even during my lowest lows with my small business it hasn’t stopped me from taking a risk. By upgrading my eWomen Network membership to Platinum, and hiring a business coach, I am firmly committed to my million dollar business!
7. I am thankful for my second business, MBARQ Inc, which is in a research phase. I have enjoyed an entire year reaching out to the homeless pet community through Arizona Humane Society and Altered Tails, building relationships and knowledge that will help create another successful business in my aresenal.
8. Along with number six, is through these relationships I’ve added volunteering 8 hours per month with the Arizona Humane Society, and fostering a second set of kittens. Who doesn’t love kittens…well, maybe my allergies, lungs and the asthma attack that sent me to ER late one Saturday night. I thoroughly enjoy watching these little munchkins grow up and explore their world. It’ll be tough to give up any of the four I currently have, but there’s still time! Would you like to adopt a kitty?
9.And finally, I’m very thankful for my family, daughter and boyfriend who are strewn all about the country. I don’t feel an immediate need to be in their space on a holiday or any other day, but I know they have set the stage for this independent side of me that can enjoy being alone. Without setting time aside to be alone and listen to you heart, how can you figure out where you’ve been and where you want to go. Yes, universe, silence is golden!
Thank you for everyone for your part in my world!