Why I am a Marketing Hypocrite
I didn’t start my business with the intent to be a marketing hypocrite, but as I reflect on the last two years of my business I realized I might have an issue. The issue isn’t that I didn’t HAVE a marketing strategy and plan. I had and executed a plan quite well for the first 12-18 months. As I got clients and business, like most business owners, I got busy. And, somewhere along the line I stopped following my own strategy entirely. This is not uncommon in small or large business.
The problem, and why I’m a marketing hypocrite, is I not only know how important a Marketing Strategy is, but because I’m adamant about my clients having one they use as their foundation. How about that? While I’m preaching to my clients the importance of a marketing strategy and executing w/ some flexibility, I stopped doing that entirely.
A marketing strategy is critical for many reasons, but mostly it keeps your business from getting stuck. It’s keeps your business moving forward and towards your business goals. A marketing strategy and plan is not a static document. It should be seen as the home base of your company…one that you can ebb and flow as necessary. As a matter of fact, it’s essential that you reevaluate your strategy, at least yearly to make sure it’s truly helping you reach your business goals. If it’s not working, then it’s time to modify.
And that’s where I got off track. My business needs and goals over the last 2 1/2 years has changed. As a new business, what I believed about the market place and known to be true is significantly different than what I have experienced. I should have been more conscious of these changes, and adapted my plan after the 1st year. Instead, here I am today with no workable marketing strategy, and I’m getting exactly what I asked for…nothing.
So, for the last couple months I’ve made the time (which is always a problem for business owners) and have begun the process. I had given myself until the end of June to complete, and began executing the plan immediately. I can already tell from some of my early work that I’m going to do a few things differently. Number one, market my marketing company, not just via networking, but incorporating other marketing elements that I haven’t to-date. Number two, continually evaluate the successes of my plan and do more of those things while eliminating or tweaking those that aren’t working. And, finally, I intend to stick with my marketing plan until I have reason to expand or contract.
What about your marketing strategy and plan? Do you have one? If so, is it fairly current (no more than a year old)? When was the last time you reviewed your strategy? Does your current strategy still address the business goals you have going forward? If so, kudos for you. Many businesses don’t realize and/or don’t react until the sales go down. Fortunately, with some slight tweaking of your existing marketing strategy you can ebb and flow w/ the market place and your business needs before it’s too late. Or, maybe you need to start completely fresh, and that’s where No Moss Brands can help.
If you answered “no” to all the questions posed above, maybe it’s time to pull out your business’ Marketing Strategy and Plan and make sure it is still moving you towards your goals relative to today’s market place. If you’ve missed key business goals, then it’s definitely time to redo your marketing strategy and plan, so you don’t waste money and time.
Marketing your company isn’t cheap, but it’s the only way to achieve success! Marketing is a line item every business MUST budget for. You can only grow so fast with organic marketing, such as networking. If your company’s 2015 business goals blow your 2014 goals out of the water, than your marketing plan must be equally as aggressive.
No Moss Brands is here to help. If you’d like to have us audit your current business goals and marketing strategy, we’ll provide you with 3-5 areas for improvement better. Fill out the contact form, and we’ll schedule a call for a one-on-one to “talk all things marketing”.
After all, 2014 is coming to an end, and 2015 is right around the corner. The time is NOW to review your strategy!
September 12, 2014 @ 7:52 pm
Marketing Strategy is crucial! I agree but it is hard sometimes to stick with the plan when so many other things pop up! I will remember you when I am asked for referrals.
September 12, 2014 @ 9:33 pm
So true, for all of us entrepreneurs, good read.
September 16, 2014 @ 8:41 am
Great reminder and thanks for being vulnerable and sharing with us an important lesson.